
Premium Content Training During a Special Session at SMX West

A fair criticism of SEOmoz’s Premium Content has always been that while the material inside is valuable, the organization and instructions don’t always provide a clear path, particularly for those new to the service or for inexperienced search marketers. Back in December, I wrote a post that walked through 29 ways to use Premium, and now, at SMX West next week, I’ll be giving a live presentation devoted entirely to leveraging Premium to improve your search campaigns.

I also have a very special announcement regarding Premium – which is to say that it’s about to be replaced… by SEOmoz PRO. PRO is a big upgrade, both in features and functionality. We’ve re-designed the entireΒ PremiumΒ interface to make for a more usable, useful experience. Here’s a teaser screenshot:

New SEOmoz PRO

The session – In-Depth with SEOmoz PRO –Β is on Wednesday, February 27th at 3:15pm in the Sponsors & Partners Track. Even if you aren’t planning to attend the other sessions and pay for a conference pass, you can still get access to this session (and all the other partner sessions). If you’re currently not using Premium to the fullest extent, or have questions about the service, this is a terrific time to hop down to Silicon Valley and let us help you out.

Here’s my current outline for the seminar:

  • The Upgrade from Premium to PRO
    • Running through the Visuals & Organization of PRO
    • New Features in PRO
  • How to Get the Most Out of PRO Q+A
    • Using the Knowledge Base
    • How to Ask and Follow Up with Questions to Maximize Value
  • Leveraging the Link Directories
    • Choosing the Directories That Can Work for Your Site
    • Best Practices for Inclusion in Directories
  • The SEOmoz Guides, Tips & Tricks
    • Highlights from the Guide Content
    • Rand’s Favorite Tips & Tricks
  • Video Training in SEOmoz PRO (a new feature coming just after SMX West)
    • Brief Overview of Video Content Available
    • A Select Clip πŸ™‚
  • Using Partner Services in the Discount Store
    • Which Partner Services to Choose
    • How to Test and Measure the Value of the Discounted Services
  • How to Use SEO Analytics (another new, super-secret feature we’re launching in beta this week and publicly next week)
    • What Tracking Search Data Means
    • Using Temporal Intelligence to Inform Your Campaigns
  • Improving SEO with the PRO Toolset
  • A Sneak Peek at Future Features (No blogging allowed!)
    • Secret New Feature #1
    • Secret New Feature #2
    • Secret New Feature #3
  • Wrap-Up and Questions from the Audience

I’m hoping to see many of our nearly 1900 premium members at the seminar, and Scott will be taping the session so we can share it with those who can’t attend. If you’ve got questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

p.s. SEOmoz will also have a booth in the SMX West Expo Hall where we’ll be happy to help you personally and answer any questions about the service (and hopefully get your input about what will help to make it more valuable). Rand, Rebecca, Jane, Scott, Gillian, Jeff, andΒ one of our new,Β top-secret team members will all be there πŸ™‚

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